Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 Resolutions

I have never been very good with making New Year' s Resolution. When I did make them, they were usually too big, lofty and unattainable. As soon as I broke one, I would feel like a failure and totally give up. This year, I have decided to try just making a few small changes. In an effort to become healthier, I want to become a tea drinker. It is a cheap, non-fattening (I don't use milk or sugar in my tea), portable and socially acceptable habit. Whenever I feel like indulging in bad eating habits, I have decided to try making a cup of tea instead. Not a big resolution, but I decided to keep it simple just to see if it works. I am not good with dieting. It causes me to obsess about food too much.

I really don't like tea very much. I think I drank way too much herbal tea when I was pregnant and burned myself out on it. I much prefer a nice stronge cup of coffee. However, I know there must be good and flavorful ones out there, so I am going to take on the challenge to find some that I like. Feel free to join me on my "2008 Journey Into Teas". I am open to all suggestions of ones to try.

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